
Skigaarden Ski Resort

Panpot was responsible for planning the natural acoustics. In adition we also designed and installed the main PA system (Norways first Fohhn Venue Stearable Line Speaker system) and a VICELLO Room Acoustic Enhancement System 

Installed in November 2023

The people behind Skigaarden are uncompromising in their pursuit of the ultimate quality experience. The customer's total aesthetic experience should include more than just the athletic aspect on the ski slopes. The best in food, service, accommodation, and social interaction. All seamlessly woven together without any aesthetic compromises. A holistic perspective that encompasses all facets of sensory experience. All conceivable factors are important: architecture, interior, food, drinks, accommodation. This, of course, included the utmost in audio and sound, but also acoustics. As suppliers of sound and acoustics, the choice fell on Fohhn Audio and Mueller-BBM , both represented in Norway by Panpot AS.


Acoustics and dining? One thing is kitchen quality and restaurant estetics. Does the atmosphere relate on more than furniture aesthetics and food quality?
Oh-yes, -even the taste of food alters under different room acoustic.

The human sensory system includes, to a very high degree, our ever-present spatial acoustic perception. The brain's ongoing orientation about the surroundings we find ourselves in at any given time is both innate and highly active in modern humans. The ability to interpret the acoustics around us was crucial for both the hunting and fleeing aspects within us. It is a process that the brain continuously keeps track of. A space with poor or little acoustic information is quickly perceived as tiring and mentally demanding over time. We enter an alert mode when the visual input does not quite match the acoustic information that the brain continuously gathers through the visual and auditory senses. Just ask an acoustician who has spent a bit too long in an echo-free chamber during work with absorbers and speaker testing.